Golden Horde, or Kipchak khanate, Russian designation FOR the western part of the Mongol empire. 金帐汗国,亦称钦察汗国。俄罗斯人对蒙古帝国西方部分的称呼。
Western European troops fighting for the Byzantine Empire, these experienced and well trained fighters are armed with lances and swords. 拉丁骑兵是服役于拜占庭军中的西欧骑兵,装备链甲和长剑,训练有素,作战经验丰富。
And then I will move against the western empire. 然后,我就向西罗马帝国运动。
Impingement of Current Political Thoughts in the West upon China and Its Countermeasures; The Constraint of the Hegemonic Ideology of Western Empire on Translation and Coping Strategy 当前西方政治思潮对我国的冲击及应对策略西方国家霸权意识对翻译的束缚及应对策略
Kiril has followed a dark trail of magic to a peaceful valley on the Western borders of the Holy Falcon Empire. 基里尔追寻这黑暗魔法的踪迹,来到了神圣猎鹰帝国西部领地的一个平静峡谷。
Amid the ruins of the western Empire, the Christian Church survived and grew strong. 基督教教会从西帝国的废墟中生存、发展壮大起来。
Belonging to times long past especially of the historical period before the fall of the Western Roman Empire. 有史时期(与史前时期相对)属于古代的,尤指西罗马帝国灭亡之前的历史时期。
His conclusion is that the west was somewhat more advanced than the east until the fall of the western Roman empire, behind it from then until the 18th century, and then ahead. 他得出的结论是:在西罗马帝国灭亡之前,西方要略微领先于东方;此后至18世纪之间,西方一直落后于东方;而18世纪后西方再次反超。
A thousand years ago Yinchuan was the capital of the Western Xia Empire. 一千多年前,银川曾经是西夏王朝的都城;
The Constraint of the Hegemonic Ideology of Western Empire on Translation and Coping Strategy 西方国家霸权意识对翻译的束缚及应对策略
Rome was the capital of the Western Roman Empire. 罗马是西罗马帝国的首都。
She promises, as her dowry, one half of the western empire. 她许诺,将以帝国的一半,作为她的嫁妆。
Capital and largest city and economic center of peru; located in Western peru; capital of the Spanish Empire in the new world until the19th century. 秘鲁首都和最大城市,经济中心;位于秘鲁西部;在世纪前一直是西班牙在新大陆的帝国的首都。
The sculpture vividly displays the great power of the Western Han Dynasty and Huo Qubing's immense military contribution to his empire. 形象地表现了汉帝国的强盛而不可撼,高度地概括了霍去病戎马征战的丰功伟绩。
A republic in western South America; was the heart of the Inca empire from the 12th to 16th centuries. 南美西部一个共和国;从公元世纪到世纪是印加帝国的中心。
Of or relating to times long past, especially those of the historical period before the fall of the Western Roman Empire ( a.d.476). 古代的古代的或与古代有关的,尤指西罗马帝国灭亡之前的历史时期(公元476年)
The Huns and the End of the Western Empire 匈奴及西罗马帝国的灭亡
The Hans went to play the major part in the great migration of the European peoples, to collide with the western civilization and to tear apart the West Roman Empire which was then at its last gasp. 匈奴人充当了欧洲民族大迁徙的主角,去和西方文明发生碰撞,灭亡了西罗马帝国。
The Deterioration of Ecological Environment and the Decline and Fall of western Roman Empire 生态环境的恶化与西罗马帝国的衰亡
Its political structure mainly inherited the "dual monarchy" from Western Turkish Empire, so it was also called "Khazar Kaganate". 其政治结构主要承袭自西突厥帝国的“双王制”,故又被称为“哈扎尔汗国”。
Traditional China is not a western nation state but a civilization system and an empire consisted of multi nations, in which it must split the political order and destroy the multi nations construction to disseminate nationalism. 传统中国并非一个西方式的单一民族国家,而是由多民族构成的文明体系与帝国国家形态,在中华帝国中宣扬民族主义,势必造成多民族国家的崩溃与传统政治秩序的解体。
The unification and conquest show the great difference between the internal structure of Chinese ancient empires and western ancient empire. 统一与征服表现出中西古代帝国内部结构上的重大区别。
Extreme Inflation of Individual Consumption and the Decline of the Western Roma Empire 个人消费的极度化膨胀与西罗马帝国的衰亡
From the 1930s and 1940s, with the invasion of the western capitalism, the gate of the feudal empire of China was forced to open by the foreigners, which led to reforms that had not been seen for thousands of years. 19世纪3、40年代,西方资本主义开始东侵,中国这个封建帝国的大门被外人强行打开,遇到数千年未有的变局。
They gradually got away from the Western Turkish Empire after the middle of the 7th century and successfully established an independent country. 7世纪中期以后,他们逐渐摆脱西突厥帝国的统治,建立起自己独立的国家。
From the perdition of Western Roman Empire to the unification of Italy, from centralism to regional autonomy, from the control of the Vatican to the long administration of the Christian Democratic Party, Italy has experienced three ruptures and continuities from its historical tradition. 从西罗马帝国灭亡到意大利统一,从中央集权到大区自治,从罗马教廷的控制到天民党的长期执政,这是发生在意大利历史发展过程中的三次传统的断裂与延续。
A Talk about the Causes of the Destruction of the Western Roman Empire& A Concurrent Comparison with the Han Empire 也谈西罗马帝国灭亡的原因&兼与汉帝国比较
In religious aspect, the centre of Christianity also moved from Rome in the western empire to Constantinople in the eastern part. 在宗教领域,拜占廷帝国的宗教中心也逐渐在该时期由西地中海世界的罗马转移到东部的君士坦丁堡。